Page 8 - LIME 2020 Syllabus
P. 8

C4. Children’s Traditional Folk Dance Group (Wednesday 8 July)
Groups of 6 to 30 dancers to perform a programme of up to 8 minutes showcasing the folk-dance traditions of the group’s culture. Dancers must be under the age of 16 on the first day of the competitions.A total of 8 musicians and 2 flag-bearers are also allowed.The presentation must focus on the dance tradition and not on instrumental numbers or dramatics. Groups may choose how many dances to include, and costume changes are allowed at the discretion of the group so long as the dancing on stage is continuous. Staging and transitions must be carefully considered. Traditional instrumental accompaniment must be live; pre-recorded music is not permitted.
C5. Cultural Showcase (Thursday 9 July)
A showcase performance of up to 8 minutes of 6 to 50 dancers presenting the group’s culture in instrumental music, singing and dancing, balancing all three disciplines. One discipline (instrumental, singing and dancing) must not be more important than the other. Groups are encouraged to highlight the varied talents of every performer on stage and showcase the variety of instrumental music, song and dance to create a well-balanced cultural spectacle that celebrates all three disciplines. Creative staging, cultural costuming and audience engagement must be important considerations.The performance must be continuous, never leaving the stage empty and transitioning well from one selection to another. Instrumentalists are not expected to just accompany dancers and singers. Dancers can sing, singers can dance. Staging must differ from other choir or dance competitions.
C6. Dancing in the Street (Saturday 11 July)
Groups of 6 to 24 dancers aged 16 or over on the first day of the competitions. A total of 8 musicians and 2 flag-bearers are also allowed. Groups are required to prepare a dance programme lasting 15- 20 minutes to be performed at informal outside areas or stages. Originality of presentation, variety of programme and overall artistic standard will be taken into consideration, as well as the overall response of the audience. Engaging the audience is encouraged, and brief explanations describing the programme are appropriate if the group so desires.The audience will be able to indicate their favourite group and this ‘vote’ will be noted by the Eisteddfod adjudicator.Traditional instrumental accompaniment must be live; pre-recorded music is not permitted.

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